[There was a video here]

Well, it's over: Rep. Anthony Weiner announced his resignation without his pregnant wife, Huma Abedin, at his side. He was interrupted repeatedly by determined hecklers and sped out of the room after his four-minute speech.

[There was a video here]

A smattering of applause and whistles that could very well have been sarcastic greeted Weiner when he took the podium. He started with a brief rundown of how he got to Congress, thanking his neighbors for the "humbling experience." Then some big guy in a black T-shirt screamed out, "Bye, bye pervert!"

Weiner continued to talk over the guy as the assembled journalists tried to hush him. Then Weiner again apologized to his constituents and, most of all, to his wife.

Many have wondered if Weiner would be able to hold on to his seat since the scandal unfolded, and if he eventually decided to resign, what he might do next. All Weiner said today was he'd be looking for other ways to apply his "talents" to help New York and the country. (Maybe he should consider becoming a social media consultant?)

When Weiner finished his speech, the heckler burst out again as he hurried out of the room: "Were you more than seven inches?" What a waste. The guy couldn't come up with a better heckle than that?

[Photos via AP, Getty]