Having Reneged on Three Straight Marriages, Rudy Giuliani Ruins His First Gay One

Never believe anything Rudy Giuliani tells you about marriage. "I do"? Bullshit. "To have and to hold"? Lie. "I promise to preside over the wedding of my two good gay friends as soon as marriage is legal in New York"? Take a guess.
When Giuliani's second marriage tanked in 2001, his pals Howard Koeppel and Mark Hsiao—a gay couple—took him in, letting him stay in their Manhattan apartment for six months. To show his gratitude, according to the New York Post, Giuliani promised to preside over their wedding if and when gay marriage became legal:
"I asked if he would marry us," recalled Howard Koeppel, the unlikely provider of an emergency Midtown crash pad to Giuliani for six months when his marriage to Donna Hanover was crumbling and Gracie Mansion was a war zone.
"He said, 'Howard, I don't ever do anything that's not legal. If it becomes legal in New York, you'll be one of the first ones I would marry.' "
OK let's set a date then! We're sure they will, just as soon as Rudy returns their phone calls.
Ten years later, Koeppel is distressed that his former house guest hasn't returned the many calls he began making before the legislation was passed last week.
"It seems like a lot of people he was close to become persona non grata," Koeppel observed.
[Photo via AP]