Wills and Kate visit Canada, only to be shouted at. Paris Hilton and the director of The Hangover remind us why we never, ever want to go to an L.A. nightclub. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber play patty-cake. This is what the Founding Fathers fought for: Monday gossip.

  • Prince William (pictured, left) and Kate Middleton (pictured, right) have been visiting Canada, which they own. And they love it! (Unlike the Queen.) Yesterday they hung out in Quebec, and despite the presence of heckling protestors, and an airplane carrying a "Vive le Quebec libre" ("Live Quebec, for Free") banner, William tried to speak in French. ("Bonjour," he told 20-year-old Alexandra Powell.) They also went to a homeless shelter for runaway teens, which is where the above photograph is from. [NYDN]
  • Speaking of royalty! Paris Hilton was seen making out with Todd Phillips, director of The Hangover, at "Beacher's Madhouse at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood," which is apparently some kind of... club? Or party? [TMZ]
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted playing patty-cake on a boat in the Hamptons, reports the New York Daily News, which sounds disappointed that the tiny little humans weren't having sex. Gomez and Bieber also went out to Thai in midtown Manhattan, setting up a nice little story that was definitely not planted by a publicist: "[W]hen one young male asked for a picture of Gomez for his niece, their security guard politely shut him down. But then the Bieber-Gomez party picked up the guy's check." Aww. [NYDN]
  • Nadya Suleman, who had eight kids at the same time for no reason, says that the interview in which she supposedly claimed to "hate babies" was "fabricated." She loves all of her children, she says. Except for the fat ones. [TMZ]
  • Olivia Wilde, who plays the titluar house on the Home Improvement spinoff House, was seen eating with Chris Pine, star of The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. They "looked very cozy," according to the Post, and then they both died. RIP. [Page Six]