Is the date July 24th on your wall calendar covered in little pink bells and caterers' emergency cell numbers? Then you might be one of the thousands of New Yorkers expected to flood city offices that Sunday, looking to get hitched the second the state's gay marriage bill goes into effect. You've waited long enough — open them courthouse doors!

To accommodate the marryin' stampedes, Mayor Bloomberg has announced that all five boroughs will keep their clerk's offices, normally closed on weekends, open in honor of the historic occasion. Everything's all set!

  • Forms that once read "bride" and "groom" now read "top" and "bottom" "Spouse A" and "Spouse B."
  • All requests to waive the 24-hour waiting period will be reviewed by state judges, who have volunteered to perform ceremonies.
  • Clerk's offices will stay open an additional two hours from Monday to Friday.

Additionally, we're told an unofficial pledge has been made not to raid the Eagle that entire week — so go ahead! Book your reception there. [Bloomberg, photo via Getty]