Lady Gaga Is 'Sick and Obsessed With Her Weight,' And Other Anxieties

Lady Gaga obsesses about her body. Megan Fox obsesses about her forehead. Ryan Phillippe's baby mama gives birth. Justin Timberlake's mom walked in on him having sex. Taylor Momsen starts a teen girl sex riot. TGIFriday gossip.
- Lady Gaga is "sick and obsessed with her weight," according to unauthorized biographer Ian Halperin, who has a hit or miss track record and uncanny ability to tap into the id of our celebrity industrial complex. Because it's true, Gaga occasionally shrinks, and it's weird that celebrity women often lose weight as they age, instead of gain it. This is due both to the fame-weight loss correlation (see also: Brittany Murphy, Jennifer Hudson) and to shifts in body standards (see also: Angelina, Aniston, the cast of Desperate Housewives). Quoth Halperin: "Those who have worked with her on tour reported to me that Gaga barely ate for weeks at a time to fit into her costume. She is sick and obsessed with her weight. One friend told me, Gaga will stare at herself in the mirror for hours on end, analyzing and critiquing her body. It's an unhealthy obsession." It used to be a joke to Gaga ("Pop stars should not eat," she once melodramatizes) but now, says Halperin, it is real. [Daily Mail, image via AP]
- "Is Jennifer Aniston going through a mid-life crisis?" She got a tattoo, stole a man, and cut her hair. That's the female equivalent of blowing your savings on a red Corvette, you see. [OMG]
- Sean Penn cavorted on the beach with his new young girlfriend, a brunette named Stacey. [P6]
- Why did George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis break up? "He was sick of her spotlight-seeking… she'd spend forever in her room, primping in her bikini, then go strolling on the beach for photographers to snap pictures of her. She was obsessed with the attention she got." [Us via Celebitchy]

To prove she hasn't had Botox, Megan Fox pulled a Teri Hatcher and made a bunch of rumpled sexy faces for her Facebook fans. [Facebook]
- Rageaholic Whitney Houston ex Bobby Brown was mad at a waitress for walking away from him, so he grabbed her ponytail and attempted to pull her back to him, in some kind of caveman farce on how to win over women. The waitress complained, security was summoned, by everyone agreed it was just a "misunderstanding." [P6]
- Kardashian "momager" Kris Jenner responds to being called a pimp: "You need to walk in someone else's shoes before you start criticizing the way they live their life." She proceeded to announce a new line of Kardashian Pimp Shoes™. [The Famous]
- Speaking of the Kardashians, Kim's wedding is expected to cost $20 million. Does that count all the shit they're getting for free? [Celebitchy]
- Ryan Phillippe's 21-year-old ex-girlfriend Alexis Knapp gave birth to a baby girl and named her Kai. [People]
- Speaking of babies, Kari Ann Peniche is pregnant, divorcing, and facing conflicting paternity claims. Turns out that thruway Dane-Gayheart snuggle puddle was her high point. [E!]
- Taylor Momsen's concerts are teen sex riots, at this point. Hopefully she rebels and becomes a nun later in life. [Daily Mail, Popeater]
- Emma Stone's celebrity girl crush is Christina Hendricks. Bottle redheads unite. [Advocate, Celebitchy]
- Justin Timberlake mom walked in on him having sex: "My mom wasn't cool about it. I was too young to be in bed with a girl, so she was upset." Britney Spears? Or Fergie? Remember, he was 16 and she was a cradle-robbing 23 when they dated. [Elle, People, P6]