French politician Aurelie Filippetti reportedly told police that she never visited supposed sex-binger Dominique Strauss-Kahn at his Parisian apartment because people warned her that the ex-IMF chief maybe attacked women there. Did she actually call DSK's place a "sex den," though?

If she did, it's not apparent from the Post's article, "I was warned of DSK sex den." Although the title's presented as a quote, the story itself offers no statements by Filippetti in which she uses "sex den," "sex lair," or any other technical real estate term used to describe residences in which politicians allegedly commit sex crimes. Maybe the Post editors just didn't like "notorious address"—the phrase that other media outlets say Filippetti used when referring to Strauss-Kahn's place—and wanted to go with something shorter and catchier for their header? Hmmmm.

At least the paper and the pol both agree that DSK is a "satyr". Yet he's never seen playing his pipe, at least not in public. Ceci n'est pas une pipe double-entendre, but a general observation.

In other news, Nafissatou Diallo—the New York City hotel maid whom DSK allegedly tried to sexually assault—is going to be on Good Morning America on Monday. "I want justice. I want him to go to jail," she says. You might recall that Diallo's suing the Post for libel, after the paper accused her of working as a prostitute in a Brooklyn hotel (in Post-speak, that's a "sex den complex").

[NY Post, Image via AP]