Happy 50th Birthday, Mr. President

Baggy-eyed, battered and desperately in need of a cigarette, President Barack Obama limped across the birthday finish line today, making it to a round half-century: Our Commander-in-Chief is now 50 years old.
Helping him ring in the big 5-0 on Wednesday night was a crowd of 2,000, at a birthday party-cum-fundraiser (just like your mom would throw when you were a kid!) in Chicago. In attendance was the president's old White House ping-pong rival, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Jennifer Hudson, who led the crowd in a rousing, gospelized version of "Happy Birthday." Earlier in the day, Obama and staffers swarmed a Capitol Hill restaurant, numbing the post-traumatic-debt-ceiling-disorder symptoms with platefuls of cheeseburgers and fries. Scroll through the pictures above to relive it all from a safe distance.
Presidential Birthdays Fun-Fact: Obama is only the seventh president to celebrate their 50th in office. Can you name the other six? Answer here.

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