Xtina used to call Kelly fat, and now Kelly is getting her revenge. Marc Anthony begs to get J.Lo back. Nicki Minaj has a nip slip. Kate Bosworth has turquoise hair. Nicole Richie makes fat jokes about Jessica Simpson. TGIFriday gossip.

  • Kelly Osbourne revived her longstanding feud with Christina Aguilera during an appearance on Fashion Police, where she is rapidly unseating Melissa Rivers as the heir to Joan Rivers' dress-ripping crazy. Regarding an image of Xtina bursting out of a skintight dress, Kelly said, "Maybe she is just becoming the fat bitch was she was born to be. I don't know. She was a cunt to me. And she bought my house! She called me fat for so many fucking years, so you know what? Fuck you. You're fat too." Fighting words! That said, I love it when Osbournes get stroppy. Joan added that Xtina looked like "Scandinavian Snooki." I prefer "bleach-dipped Snooki." [Us, images via Getty]
  • Speaking of fat jokes, Nicole Richie has reportedly been making them about Jessica Simpson on the set of their new fashion competition reality show: "Nicole has made a few digs about Jessica ‘throwing her weight around,' while Jessica has joked that someone would have to be on a starvation diet to wear Nicole's designs. Now they're barely talking, which doesn't bode well for the show's success." Actually, that bodes fantastically. Forcing people who loathe each other to communicate in front of cameras is what reality TV (and political debate shows) do best. [Enquirer via Celebitchy]
  • Speaking of Osbourne ultimatums, Kelly criticized Kate Middleton's outfit recycling: "In England they're like, 'Look how thrifty she's being, showing the British public that the Royals are in a recession as well. Only in this country they call it a faux pas." You always knew Kelly was more American than Brit. "I'm sorry, but if I had that job I would only wear it once. If I am going to be the future bloody Queen of England I'm going to wear that dress once because I'm giving up the rest of my life, all of my privacy. At least I can get a new dress every day!" [Us]
  • One more Kelly Osbourne item, and then it'll be out of my system. Apparently on the day of Amy Winehouse's funeral, Kelly's allegedly tranny-chasing ex-boyfriend Luke Worrall tweeted that her "Kellyphant ass" looked fat in funeral black. The warrior celebutante tweeted back with rage: "@luke_worrall you've made it very clear u only dated me 4 my life style but shit tweets about me the day im @ a funeral u have hit a new low. It was fine when my Kellyphant ass was paying 4everything wasn't it? i just didn't think u could get much lower but u did #wow." Note to self: When tweet-fighting, avoid urge to turn random words into hashtags. Makes it seem trite. [Daily Mail]

Nicki Minaj had a live on-air nip slip on Good Morning America today. [TMZ, Image via INF, click photo for NSFW version]

  • Maddox Jolie-Pitt turns 10 today. Angelina took Zahara shopping to pick out a gift. I wonder if celebrity kids track their parents in the tabloids to figure out what their gifts are. It's the advanced Hollywood version of holding a box against your ear and shaking it. [People]
  • When his marriage to Jennifer Lopez fell apart, Marc Anthony morphed into an emotionally unstable nightmare ex: "His mood shifts from blaming her to begging her to take him back to telling her she is destroying his life." He's dragging out divorce proceedings because he thinks it will make her change her mind. Antagonistic legal maneuvers often win ladies over, you see. [Us]

Kate Bosworth has turquoise hair and a new man on her arm, but it's Michael Polish, the guy directing her in Big Sur, so maybe it was a work-related hangout? [People, image via WENN]

  • Apparently Daniel Craig started stepping out with Rachel Weisz while still living with ex-girlfriend Satsuki Mitchell. Satsuki's revenge: $1 million in charges on Daniel's credit cards. That's sort of impressive; I feel like anything past, say, $80K would actually be difficult to accomplish, and would make moving out an even bigger pain. [InTouch via Jezebel, Celebitchy]
  • Yet another Teen Mom arrest, this time of Jenelle Evans' boyfriend Kieffer Delp, who allegedly punched two Evans ex-friends—one female, one male—and appears to be quite proud of himself. [TMZ]