Meghan McCain would make an excellent 13-year-old. As a columnist, she is a thought-murdering demon of stupefaction. Today, she haz a sad about Barack Obama.

As we've noted before, McCain's column in the Daily Beast is galactically, apocalyptically dreadful, the product of a witless beer heiress, her Blackberry, and editors who stopped caring long ago. Today she's mad at the man who beat her daddy. We are facing, McCain wrote on her Trapper Keeper, the "Obamaclypse." And it's always the kids who get screwed and grounded and stuff.

The baby boomers have dropped the ball on their burden of responsibility.

The ball fell on to the burden! And then rolled off onto the pledge and down into the duty. All this ball-dropping is getting really bad:

I am worried we are reaching some kind of breaking point when it comes to not only Americans but young Americans.

Not just Americans, everybody, OK? The breaking point is nearing for Americans, sure, but it's also nearing for young Americans, in addition to the previously mentioned Americans. That's how bad it is.

The last election was all about hope and change and ushering in a new beginning and phase in America. Not only have we not been given hope and change, but generation Y is feeling disillusionment and asking ourselves what exactly do we have to look forward to? Friends of mine and friends of friends of mine are all essentially dealing with the same issues and fears no matter what their backgrounds or jobs; they are worried about what kind of future we are heading into and at the same time feeling lost about how we can band together to somehow prevent the asteroid of economic debt that seems to be headed straight for us.

The problem here is that we are heading toward the future, but at the same time this asteroid is heading toward us, so it's not just that we're going fast toward the future but that the asteroid is also going really fast. It's like double the speed.

Remember, we were the ones who witnessed Columbine and Sept. 11, but even in the darkest times, there always seemed to be hope lingering in the horizon.

Remember? There wasn't any hope where we were, but don't you remember it lingering out there, on the horizon? Just kind of sitting there? It looked so pretty.

I am a person of great faith and idealism and have been in too many situations, too many times to become an eternal pessimist regarding politics.

Oy! You should see the situations I've been in. So many situations! One situation, then another situation, then another. They never stop. I'm always like, "Again with the situations!" Far, far too many.

Anyway, this woman went to an Ivy League university and gets paid to write for a living. I don't know how she got into Columbia unless Mark Salter wrote her application essay.

[Photo via Getty Images]