The reality of Pippa Middleton's butt is debated. Two stars of The View get married. Charlie Sheen continues to exist. Sunday gossip is disappointed with its showing at Iowa, but is in this for the long haul.

  • Pippa Middleton's butt: Is it real? Opinions differ! "I'm not convinced that it's completely natural... she may have had some sort of pants that gave her a little bit of a lift, or even a little bit of padding" says London spa owner Lesley Reynolds Kahn. "[E]xpensive dresses are designed to do all the heavy lifting on their own... and couture is almost always going to do more for a lass than a pair of jeans," says E!'s Natalie Finn. "Please give me food," says a starving Somali child. [E!]
  • View hosts Sherri Shepherd and Joy Behar and Dacing With the Stars host Brooke Burke all got married this weekend. No, not to each other, you crazy kids! Great joke, though! No, they got married to Warren Jeffs. [People, NYDN]
  • Heather Locklear, meanwhile, is now engaged, to actor Jack Wagner. She apparently has a "diamond stunner," which we assume is a ring and not a wrestling move. [People]
  • Orlando Brown, who played a sinister character called "Eddie Thomas" in Matthew Barney's experimental film series That's So Raven, was arrested on a DUI charge after being pulled over for driving without a license plate. [TMZ]
  • You know what we are really excited for? The return of Quetzalcoatl! Mostly because it will likely prevent the public release of Austin Powers 4, which Mike Meyers has reportedly signed on to make. "Yeah, baby! Do I make you horny, baby!" - The guy I will be jailed for murdering. [Hitfix]
  • Charlie Sheen showed up at the "Gathering of the Juggalos" last night and led the crowd in a chant of "Winning." I don't want to overstep my boundaries as an impartial reporter but I feel like this guy might have some "mental issues"! Maybe not, though! [TMZ]

[Images via Getty]