[There was a video here]

For some reason, Rihanna is filming a new video in a field in County Down, Northern Ireland. Or, she was, until the farmer who owns the field asked her to stop. "I wish no ill will against Rihanna and her friends. Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God," he told the BBC.

Farmer Alan Graham—who happens to be an alderman of the Democratic Unionist Party, the country's largest Protestant party—told the BBC that he didn't really know who Rihanna was when he agreed to let the pop singer film a video on his land:

"I didn't know who was coming. If the name 'Rihanna' had been mentioned, well, no disrespect but it wouldn't have meant anything," he explained.

But he soon learned! Biblically! Well, not, you know, biblically, but, perhaps, a little more intimately than he would've liked. In the video above, Graham is weirdly nonspecific about what Rihanna was wearing or doing that bothered him so, but he seems to be hinting that she was, at one point, completely topless (and wearing jeans). So he decided to halt the filming:

"I thought it was inappropriate. I requested them to stop and they did," he explained.

"I had my conversation with Rihanna and I hope she understands where I'm coming from. We shook hands," he said.

We can only imagine what other subjects the two might have discussed under different circumstances.