Is Scott Disick's Dick 'Like an Elephant's Trunk'?

Kardashian cast mate Scott Disick is the biggest dick on television. But is his dick big, too? During an interview with, Kourtney referred to her baby daddy's penis as "like an elephant's trunk." Kim and Khloe immediately jumped in with their own lurid descriptions of their sister's partner's phallus. Just normal sister stuff, you know?
Khloe: We got all of the preview of Scott at his parents'.
Kim: Even today. Honestly, it's way too much. He has to start wearing some tighty-whities.
Khloe: He was wearing pajama pants and no undies and you could see it all.
Kim: So inappropriate.
Kourtney: It's like an elephant's trunk.
Kim: You guys!
Khloe: He kept going, "I'm trying to compete with Lamar" and I was like "Oh, stop it, you two."
Kourtney: We went on a date night in the Meatpacking last night, so the story said, "The Meatpacking District isn't the only thing packing meat!" Scott was wearing a suit with no underwear last night, so you could see, like, something.
But is Scott Disick's dick really that big? Let us analyze the record.

It's true that Scott likes to show off his Disick. As the sisters Kardashian note, he never wears underwear. But is this a big penis, or just an obvious one? I'm leaning towards the latter. It's no Hamm salami, let's just say. [Image via Splash]

Why is Scott Disick's penis so obvious? First, he hates underwear. Second, he is an exhibitionist. (As reality stars tend to be.) Third, he seems like the kind of guy who wanders through life in a perpetual state of arousal, no? The kind of guy who gets wood every time he sees his face reflected in the hood of an expensive car. [Image via Splash]

Further evidence of Scott's perpetual arousal. Even if his penis is average in size, rest assured that his desire to have people talking about his penis is ginormous. [Image via Splash]