Australian director Baz Luhrman, who never met a quick cut, flashing light, or Botox-deadened Nicole Kidman forehead he didn't like, started filming his adaptation of The Great Gatsby in September. But what is it going to look like?

Here are some shots of some of the outdoor sets in Sydney where the director is shooting star Leonardo DiCaprio. This seems to be the shabby exterior of George Wilson's Auto Shop, where Daisy Buchanan runs over his wife Myrtle in the novel's pivotal scene (spoilers). Based on the awesome decay of the setting, I can't wait to see what the rest of it looks like.

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]

Here's another view of the gas station, set among the ash heaps on the way to East Egg.

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]

Some of the vintage billboards that line the road. But where, oh where, are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg?

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]

I'm not sure what these houses are supposed to be, but they sure look kinda cool.

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]