First Ashton Kutcher, then Leonardo DiCaprio, and now Bar Refaeli. The Israeli supermodel is helping to complete the tech industry's co-optation by pretty people now that she's taken a stake in an Israeli underwear e-tailer.

Refaeli has drummed up $1 million in seed capital from angel investors, according to the Israeli press. "I started the site with a friend because when I like a pair of underwear, I'll get 30 pairs of it in the same color," Refaeli is quoted as saying. "But I don't have time to go buy underwear all the time. And I had boyfriends who were the same way - they never had time to go buy socks and underwear, that's for sure!"

Ordering expensive designer socks and underwear over the internet because you're too busy to buy them in person sounds like a very real problem, and one that a 26-year-old professional swimsuit wearer is very well equipped to solve.

Just yesterday, it seemed impossible that anyone could top DiCaprio's unprecedented venture to help people "tag" local events via their cell phone pictures. But now his own ex-girlfriend has somehow pulled it off! Recently separated Kutcher had better watch his back. Demi Moore probably won't be able to think of something as world changing as a combination dating-and-restaurant-discount site, but you never know, maybe she's a complete genius.

[Photos via Bauer-Griffin and Getty Images]