A homeless Bellingham, Washington man showed up at some (random?) urologist's office Thursday morning missing his right arm, which he'd cut off using a homemade guillotine. Authorities aren't sure if the man amputated his arm on purpose or by accident, but say he has mental issues.

The Seattle Times tells us about the guillotine and its construction:

The home-made guillotine was built with 2-by-6s at least 12 feet long, a few 2-by-4s and a construction-grade cutting device that was 2-feet-by-3-feet and half-an-inch thick. Part of the metal had been sharpened, said Mark Young, public information officer for the Bellingham Police Department.

Authorities found the arm back at the man's camp and sent the limb to the hospital so that doctors could try to reattach it. They also found the guillotine, which they tore apart with a chainsaw. Then they went home, fell asleep, and had nightmares about the French Revolution and blood, lots of blood, just blood all over the place.

[KOMO, Seattle Times. Image via Shutterstock]