Celebrity Con Artist Kim Kardashian Flees for Australia

The Kardashian frenzy continues. ScarJo opens up about her naked pictures. Lindsay Lohan goes from morgue to graveyard. And Gwyneth Paltrow says more obnoxious things. Tuesday's gossip ate too much candy.
All anyone wants to talk about is Kim Kardashian. She flew off to Australia yesterday after filing for divorce a quick 72 days after wedding baller Kris Humphries in a lavish ceremony attended by all the elves in magical E! Land. She's looking down and heading down under, where she'll launch a new handbag line. This is Kim's life: tabloid headlines and handbag lines. This is all she has. Anyway, some show down there will have the first interview with her after the divorce. The show "Sunrise" is probably jumping around like a kangaroo it's so happy it lucked into this predicament.
In other Kim news, apparently Halloween is the day in 2010 that she and Kris first met. The whole tabloid cycle in one year flat. A PR expert says that Kim picked the perfect day for the announcement, a slow news day at the beginning of the week so she could maximize on the press for the week. That is if she filed for divorce to get attention. That's the name of her new handbag line: I Filed for Divorce to Get Attention. Some are analyzing just how she faked the relationship and when it really ended. Who cares? That's like trying to figure out when the dog shit on the carpet. It's still there, and it still stinks, no matter when it happened. While the news was shocking yesterday, now there's not much more to report, other than our collective anger at being duped. [Page Six, TMZ, Radar Online, NYDN, images via Pacific Coast News]
- Scarlett Johansson tells Vanity Fair that the naked pictures of her that made their way around the internet were for her husband Ryan Reynolds. She says there is "nothing wrong with that." Amen, sister. I'm glad someone is finally out there asserting their right to send naked pictures over the internet. Now maybe Ryan Reynolds won't be so mad about all the ones I've sent him of myself. [TMZ]
- Last night Lindsay Lohan celebrated Halloween by going to a party in a graveyard dressed as a sexy nurse. Man, that morgue duty is sure rubbing off on her. [TMZ]
- A pile of cornhusks come to life, Gwyneth Paltrow, taught a drama class to the kids at tony private school Spence, where she graduated. "I studied drama here, but I didn't study it past being at Spence ... My mother ... has done a lot of stage work. I got a great education from her ... and growing up here where I went to the theater all the time. I've developed my own technique, but the most important thing is your instincts." Yes, that's all Gwynnie can teach you: have an actress mother, be rich, go to the theater, and live in New York. And then trust your instincts. I have a sudden instinct to give her a wet willy. [Page Six]
- Billionaire and Democratic boogeyman George Soros filed papers that the suit brought against him by his ex-girlfriend, Brazilian soap star Adriana Ferreyr, should be dismissed. She is asking for $50 million because he didn't buy her an apartment like he promised and threw a lamp at her and choked her. Soros' team says she's full of shit. Sounds like just about every breakup lawsuit I've ever been through. [Page Six]
- The estranged father of Filipino superstar and sometimes Glee actress Charice was stabbed to death in a grocery store in her native country. Apparently he bumped into a drunk man who flew into a rage and stabbed him repeatedly with an ice pick. Charice cancelled a concert in Singapore to return to the Philippines to be with her family. And Madonna's homeless brother thought he had it bad. [People]
- Real Housewife of New Jersey Jacqueline Laurita is the latest of the cast whose husband is in some financial and business trouble. A suit was filed against her husband Chris and his (and Caroline Manzo's) brother Joseph claiming that they bilked $8 million in funds from their Signature Apparel clothing line that went bankrupt in 2009. The case is still pending. Too bad Jacqueline and Teresa Giudice are on the outs, because they'd have something else to commiserate about other than crazy Danielle. [Radar Online]