The Courts Are Still Ruling on Janet Jackson's Super Bowl Nipple

Seven years (almost eight, at this point) after Janet Jackson's intentional "wardrobe malfunction" at the Super Bowl and the $550,000 fine leveled against CBS is still being argued in court. Just today an appeals court in Philly threw out the case. Now it might be headed back to the Supreme Court.
Yes, the Janet Jackson Nip Slip was heard by the Supreme Court in 2009 and sent back to the appeals court. Today the appeals court ruled that because the FCC created a new policy in order to fine CBS for the offending aureola without announcing the change in advance, it acted arbitrarily and therefore illegally. Yes, that means there is no fine. But now it might go back to the Supreme Court again. This thing just follows us around like some kind of stink we can't get rid of. Like those pictures of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears dressed all in denim at the Video Music Awards. Can't there be a fine for that?
[Image via AP]