It's been less than 24 hours since Sharon Bialek revealed details about her alleged, unwanted, aggressively sexual Herman Cain experience in 1997, and yet we already have someone new to meet. A warm welcome to Donna Donella, Cain accuser No. 5!

Donella, a 40-year-old former U.S. AID worker from Arlington, Virginia, tells the Washington Examiner that, at a seminar back in 2002, Cain asked her to connect him with a "lovely young lady" who had asked a question during his speech. When Donella declined, Cain allegedly responded, "Then you and I can have dinner." Flexibility and the ability to plan for contingencies are qualities essential to success, not only in business, but also in president-ing (and extracurricular dating).

According to the Examiner, Donella's colleagues "suggested a group outing," so that's how the evening unfolded:

She said she didn't witness any "inappropriate sexual behavior" at the group dinner. But she claimed he asked the waiter for two $400 bottles of wine, and then stiffed the rest of the group when it came time to pay.

The most shocking part of Donella's story (and the part that I just made up, on the spot) is that the party had dined at Godfather's. Yeah, you probably didn't know about their high-end wine selection, because they don't advertise it very much. Unfortunately for the group, Cain had stopped being CEO long before the fated meal, so he couldn't put the bill on his tab.

Can't wait to hear what Rush Limbaugh does with "Donella." At least it's slurp-proof.

[Washington Examiner, Politico, image via AP. Nod to commenter TubeTruckr!]