Not only did Justin Timberlake keep his promise to attend Saturday night's Marine Corps Ball in Richmond, Va., but he also wrote a lovely recap of his evening in which he shows humility and respect for his soldier-hosts. It might even make you teary-eyed.

The full write-up is available on Timberlake's blog, but here are some highlights. First, a bit about his date for the evening, Corporal Kelsey DeSantis:

She seemed to me to be so humble and honest... Very cool. She also simultaneously seemed like she was nervous about the whole evening and if I was going to enjoy myself. "Are you ok?" she asked 2 or 3 times. "I hope you are having fun. I know you will once my crew of friends get here to the table." I have to tell you, it's not every day that I meet a 23 year old girl and she's more worried about if I'm having fun or if I'm comfortable! It hit me all of a sudden that these were the type of people that look after us and our freedom... Humble, concerned for others before themselves... This was the type of person our Marine Corps was building. I was really blown away.

About being there:

I glanced around the room at young men and women, spouses and soldiers... At kids way beyond their years, really... All so deeply entwined. Not just by battle, even though we who have never endured anything remotely close to those experiences and have NO position to comment on... But, by having such life changing experiences through them and to not ever waver in their love and respect for our homeland. That's what I saw... I felt so proud to be there. I felt like I was getting a chance to be among my heroes. It's funny too because a lot of them are SO younger than me.

And a shout-out to the soldiers:

To all of you that serve every day for us... Ensuring our freedom, I say: My deepest gratitude to you. I've met so many of my heroes... From Michael Jordan to Michael Jackson. And, nothing makes me feel more honor and pride than when I get to meet one of you. Last night changed my life and I will never forget it.

Good on him! Now he should write a song called "VulnerabilityBack." Or "AttitudeofGratitudeBack." And another called "Tissue in a Box." We'll help him with the lyrics to these numbers—all he has to do is just give us a call.

[Justin Timberlake, via People. Image via AP]