Charlie Rose's Vampirish Glare Coming to Morning TV

In your overcast Tuesday media column: new faces at the CBS Early Show, Native American journalists are broke, UK editorial staffs decline, a New York Times fashion app, and Conde Nast launches its own ad network.
- Charlie Rose, Erica Hill, and Gayle King are now officially the newest co-hosts of the CBS Early Show. ""What you're going to see in the morning is a program that's very different," said CBS News chief Jeff Fager. Everything is different now. Real different. In the sense that corpse-like Charlie Rose is on morning television which will be hilarious. In a larger sense, we're talking about morning television, so none of this really matters.
- Uh oh: the Native American Journalists Association is "on the verge of financial ruin," according to its departing president, who's resigning over a dispute with the board of directors. If you would like to help them out, then... hire a Native American journalist.
- A survey of editors in the UK says that overall editorial staff numbers are down by nearly 30% since 2007. Hopefully these awful numbers will console some laid off American journalists. The Redcoats are getting it just as bad as us, men!
- Now you can buy an app that will have all the content from the New York Times Styles section in one place, where it can be easily pinned down and killed.
- Conde Nast is launching its own private in-house ad exchange to sell unsold digital ad inventory on its sites, circumventing the outside ad networks that usually handle that task. That's because third-party ad online ad exchanges are the garbage dealers of advertising!
[Photo via Getty]