Chick-fil-A Sues Hippie Because They Are Insufferable Assholes

When Chick-fil-A isn't spending millions trying to clog the channels of gay rights legislation as effectively as their grease-soaked poultry mittens clog human arteries, the Atlanta-based restaurant chain expends its energy in equally productive ways. Case in point: Their current attempts at preventing Bo Muller-Moore, a Vermont folk artist, from selling silkscreened T-shirts bearing the words "Eat More Kale" on them.
The problem, they say, is that people who buy his T-shirts will confuse that slogan with the company's own tagline, "Eat Mor Chikin" — spelled that way because it's usually accompanied by cows with paintbrushes.
In a letter, a lawyer for Chick-fil-A said Muller-Moore's effort to expand the use of his "eat more kale" message "is likely to cause confusion of the public and dilutes the distinctiveness of Chick-fil-A's intellectual property and diminishes its value."
Muller-Moore, who sells the T-shirts through this website, has retained a lawyer and is standing his ground. A spokesperson for Chick-fil-A tells the AP that they "don't comment on pending legal matters."
Dear Chick-fil-A: Get a fucking life. [AP, Inset photo via WPTZ]