"I'm not afraid of death," Woody Allen famously said. "I just don't want to be there when it happens." Of course, that's the one experience we all get to share, and artists of all stripes have offered their commentary on life's impermanence. To wit: Mathieu Lehanneur, whose "Tomorrow Is Another Day" is a weather-station terminal that projects a video image of tomorrow's forecast, allowing the viewer to jump ahead in time.

The piece gathers real-time weather data from the Internet to generate an impressionistic picture of the future sky through a honeycomb lens. Lehanneur originally conceived the project for the palliative-care unit at the Diaconesses/Croix-Saint-Simon Hospital Group, in Paris, so that patients could meditate on, in the designer's words, "the principles of uncertainty, ineluctability and spirituality." But if you find the philosophical underpinnings overwrought, just think of it as sculptural, atmospheric alternative to the Weather Channel.

"Tomorrow Is Another Day" is available as a limited edition through the Carpenters Workshop Gallery.

Republished with permission from FastCompany.com. Authored by Belinda Lanks.