Chanel designer and alien robot of fabulousness Karl Lagerfeld is launching two new retail fashion lines, called "Karl" and "Karl Lagerfeld." To promote them, he is co-opting the letter 'K.' Women's Wear Daily reports,

In the K-riddled parlance of Karl Lagerfeld's brand book, the Kountdown has begun to the designer's launch into the burgeoning masstige category.… Press materials for the line laud it as "ironiK, artistiK, aKcessible," with graphic silhouettes and rock 'n' roll accents of vinyl, rubber, leather and sequins.

But, as Fashionista points out, tacky club wear branded with the letter 'K' is already belongs to the Kardashian sisters, who have emblazon the leopard-print jumpsuits and plasticine purses of their Kardashian Kollection with the letter 'K.'

In fact, since one of Lagerfeld's "Karl" collections sells at Macy's, his wares are already being sold at some of the same shopping malls as the Kardashian Kollection, which sells at Sears! So who owns the letter K?

Fashionista notes that the Kardashians claimed the letter first, and "both their first and last names begin with 'K' and there are several of them."

Karl Lagerfeld, on the other hand, "is Karl Lagerfeld so he can do whatever he wants."

Missing from this equation: The Ku Klux Klan, which appropriated 'K' way before the Kardashians did. They even started one of the longest-lasting niche fashion trends in America, white hoods for virulently racist assholes damned to hell. Ku Klux Klan staples, like the burning cross, have been featured stylish music videos from the likes of Madonna, and countless movies and plays!

Yes, I think the Ku Klux Klan wins this round of branding exercises. Karl and Kardashians, go back to the drawing board. [WWD, Fashionista, The Cut, images via Getty]