Family-Values Politician Bought Gay Sex Shop Wares With Taxpayer Money

For those of you who keep track of America's conservative family-values Republicans who are caught doing sexy gay things, here's a new name to add to your lists: Southaven, Mississippi mayor and failed Congressional candidate Greg Davis, who allegedly billed taxpayers $67 for purchases at a Canadian gay sex shop called Priape.
Davis made his purchase during some sort of romantic business trip involving warehouse developers:
The auditor's office confirmed to The Associated Press on Friday that Davis billed the city for the $67 purchase at Priape, which describes itself on its website as "Canada's premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop."
Davis declined to comment on the expenses, saying his attorney had told him not to talk.
"I can't say anything," Davis told the AP on Friday.
Davis doesn't remember what the purchase actually was, but publicly admitted that he's gay after news of the purchase—and $170,000 worth of alleged food and liquor purchases made on the public dime—became public. His expensive eating and drinking habits have made him the subject of a criminal investigation. Rough week!
We must cut Davis a bit of slack for a. not trying to come up with some sort of BS to hide his homosexuality, and b. awarding huge tips to the servers of his fancy meals, as though he were running his own secret welfare program for America's beleaguered food service industry workers. "[D]uring a dinner for legislators and attorneys at the Mint Restaurant in Ridgeland, Miss., Davis left a $1,000 tip on a $2,509.43 bill that included two bottles of Opus One wine for $415 each," reports the Commercial Appeal. If you overlook the fact that frivolous fish dinners purchased with public funds can be a crime, and that supporting workers completely goes against his party's fiscally conservative values, his generous acts are downright admirable.