Was Anthony Weiner America's first heteroflexible Congressman? This is the question we find ourselves asking today, as Traci Nobles—the Weiner flirtation object shopping a memoir involving semen sprayed all over a Congressional bathroom—returns to the public eye with chat transcripts describing Weiner's desire for group sex with men.

Traci has been selling excerpts from her unsold book for months. Radar nabbed the latest:

"I'm not really talking about other chicks... How about with another guy?" Weiner asked Nobles.

"Hmmmm, haven't done it before," Nobles said.

"It can be hot," Weiner replies.

"Are you turned on by other guys?" Nobles asked.

"Well it depends on the guy, but generally yes," Weiner divulges.

Of course, Traci never followed through. (She never even met the guy IRL.) As for whether Weiner is actually into dudes, or just likes saying he is during dirty conversations with strange ladies on the internet? Well, your guess is as good as mine, but for the record I'm going with "talked a bigger game than he played."

Still, if these transcripts are to be believed, Congressman Weiner at least contemplated the hard-bodied embrace of another man, and it made him feel sexy. And so we return to the question of the day: Is Anthony Weiner America's first heteroflexible Congressman? Or did William Jennings Bryan have orgies with William McKinley in the 1890's? Unleash your filthy fan fiction in the comments. [Radar Online, image via AP]