Police in Brownsville, Texas, shot and killed an eighth grader in the hallway of his middle school today after he displayed a gun and "engaged" with officers. Welcome to 2012, everyone!

No one seems to know why the kid had a gun—or what exactly he did to "engage" (or "confront") the officers—but the school was put on lockdown and students bused out as cops searched for the student:

Renee Almazan, 12, a seventh-grader, said she heard two or three gunshots while she was in her homeroom class. An announcement over the loudspeaker told students to get on the floor, she said.

"The teacher told us, ‘This is the real thing,'" Almazan said.


The school was put on lockdown as officers searched the school room by room, according to a news release from the Brownsville Independent School District.

No one else seems to have been injured, and there's no confirmation that the kid fired any shots at all.

[MySanAntonio, Brownsville Herald]