Kim Kardashian's lawsuit against Old Navy just got juicy: To combat Kim's claim that the company damaged her "reputation" by airing an ad featuring Kardashian lookalike Melissa Molinaro, the clothier has launched an investigation of Kim's crappy reputation.

Kim's lawyers are reportedly seeking $20 million in damages for the violation of Kim's "rights to her name and likeness." The Hollywood Reporter explains Old Navy parent company The Gap's strategy:

[Lawyer Louis] Petrich has put together a plan that seeks to ferret out Kardashian's true worth as the two sides engage in a discovery process that's expected to take up much of this year. Among the documents sought by Petrich are financial records that show how much Bebe and Sears earned by making deals with Kardashian and why Bebe dropped Kardashian. The clothing retailer ditched the reality star about the same time that The New York Times published a particularly scathing review that described Kardashian's Manhattan pop-up store as a "fashion desert."

But wait, it gets more brutal:

The moves could be in anticipation of making an argument similar to those in defamation cases where a defendant asserts the plaintiff is "libel-proof," with a reputation so stained that no injury could cause true damage. Or maybe The Gap aims to show that Kardashian is no Molinaro, best known up until now for her appearance on MTV's Making The Band 3, and that Kardashian could never sing and dance like her doppelgänger.

But wait, it gets even more brutal:

Among the most noteworthy possible witnesses in this case is Miami Dolphins running back Reggie Bush, one of Kardashian's ex-boyfriends. The Gap wants Bush's testimony. Bush reportedly began dating Molinaro after the Old Navy commercial came out and the defendants are going to make Bush's relationships with both Kardashian and Molinaro an issue.

It's "unclear" whether Reggie could contribute anything of value to the proceedings, other than a series of salacious low blows. Since all Kardashians derive their power from salacious low blows to Kim's sex life, this has the potential to be the simultaneous pinnacle and rock bottom of the Kardashian empire. [THR]