Looks like bitter queen Elton John still has his sequined knickers in a bunch over Madonna beating him at the Golden Globes. Just when you thought their feud was going to take a break, he lashed out against her on Good Morning America.

When Elton was asked if he had any advice for Madonna before her big gig at the Super Bowl halftime show this weekend he replied, "Make sure you lip-sync good." Oh, snap, girl. Their feud started way back in 2004 when John publicly accused Madonna of lip syncing in her concerts at an awards show. My advice would be to wear gloves because no one wants to see those pterodactyl claws, Madge.

John then goes on to say that anyone who performs at the Super Bowl who lip syncs is going to suck, so he might not have meant the dig specifically at Madonna, but come on, you know he really did. If he keeps this up, I know one not-so-delicate flower Madonna is going to hate more than hydrangeas.

Here's the whole GMA segment if you want to see Elton's elder lesbian haircut in action.

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