Whole Foods, the grocery store for pretentious upper class urbanites and those who aspire to be same, wants to make it clear to the world that it is not a grocery store for pretentious upper class urbanites. Not at all. What gave you that idea?

To counter its reputation for being expensive, Whole Foods is offering more price promotions and discounts in all of its stores, and lately it has held many of its grocery prices flat despite its own costs rising. The idea is for customers to feel that while there may be certain product prices that are going up, they are finding plenty of good deals to make up for that, said executives, who call the strategy "price perception."

That's "price perception" as opposed to "the reality of what the prices are at Whole Foods compared to regular grocery stores," a strategic move similar to giving away that first bag of heroin free, because, as the WSJ reminds us, "Core customers at Whole Foods spend, on average, nearly three times more than new customers." So shopping at Whole Foods is fine for the poors, as long as they don't get into the habit of, you know, shopping at Whole Foods.

If Whole Foods needs an alternate identity they an always go with "Above Average Level of Employee Complaining."

[WSJ. Photo: AP]