It's taken Santorum less than a day to apologize for telling an Ohio audience that Obama's agenda is based on "some phony theology, not a theology based on the Bible." Today in a bumbling apology, the shaven Nicodemus look-alike (The Secret of NIMH) said that he never meant to question Obama's faith, but rather his world view.

Santorum appeared on CBS' Face the Nation to address the statements he made in Ohio. What he meant by phony theology, Santorum said, is Obama's dangerous promotion of "radical environmentalists" and his "world view that elevates the earth above man." He explained:

I think that is a phony ideal. I don't believe that is what we're here to do. We're not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.

The statement and subsequent apology are perfectly timed with the unearthing of a 2008 video, in which Santorum questions Obama's motives for joining a church, suggesting that it had little to do with his faith and more to do with the election.

In other news, Santorum said in a statement that he will continue digging his grave well into the fall and that voters should know that he will uphold his promise to double the requisite six-foot depth.

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