Cocoa the Amazing Pizza Goat spent another boisterous weekend carousing in New York. Previously, Cocoa had been photographed at Famous Famiglia and Serafina. Now citizen paparazzi have spotted her in Central Park, Columbus Circle, and on Twitter. Is the beloved bovid overexposed?

This week's first Amazing Pizza Goat sighting comes from departed Gawker writer Brian Moylan:

I tried to [get a picture] but then the owner walked her away. I went to get gelato at Grom on Columbus Circle at about 10pm. I left and she was chilling in a tree box on Bway where it merges with the circle and just hanging out. Then that guy was like "Come on" and she jumped out of the tree box and they walked up Bway toward the park. She had a leash on, but he was not holding it. She was dragging the leash, walking with him independently.

John (not a Gawker writer) photographed Cocoa in an intimate moment in Central Park:

The human companion reported he was trying to get her to pee.

Mary saw her in Central Park, too:

My friend goes, "Is he jealous that the sheep get their own meadow?"

Eric notes that Cocoa may have violated park rules:

I took this photo coming home from work last night—in Central Park near the W 64th entrance by the Ethical Culture School. Same owner dude from the restaurant photos. Very cute goat, but off-leash during non-off-leash hours!

Amanda concurs:

I saw this guy walking down CPW near 65th yesterday and was walking with his goat... no leash just walking near it… it had a little pink collar and he was just next to him.

Meanwhile, Cocoa now has a Twitter feed. "1 week ago I was just another jersey girl crazy for a good's all happening so fast...the book deal, the interviews…," @Pizza_Goat writes. This is your moment, Cocoa. Try not to get overwhelmed.