Lest there be any doubt that females with public Facebook profiles are in constant peril, here is a thorough discussion of Girls Around Me, an iPhone app that allows users to push a button and see the Facebook profiles of every female in walking distance, according to FourSquare and plotted on a Google Map.

Cult of Mac blogger John Brownlee used Girls Around Me to check out the bikini pictures and personal histories of strangers in his vicinity on a Saturday night in Boston. If he had wanted to, he could have tracked each woman to the bar or home she was sitting in at that very moment, recognized her by face, and addressed her by name. Or something much scarier.

Girls Around Me is free to download. All you need is a FourSquare account to log in. [Cult of Mac]

UPDATE: FourSquare offers a statement:

This is a violation of our API policy, so we've reached out to the developer and shut off their API access.