In Washington the District of Columbia, hipness is not just something you put on and take off every day like a "wacky" tie showing a photo of Richard Nixon meeting Elvis Presley; it is a way of life. And DC's young, hip vibe is not just limited to young nerds—old nerds are getting in on the act as well.

The MacArthur Genius Grant-winning Washington Post hipness desk has its calibrated hipness meter (finger) on the pulse of the newest hip trend to strike the Nation's Hipness Capital: "adult recess." Whereas hip New Yorkers merely play in kickball leagues well into their late 40s, a Washington group called Spacious is formalizing an entire brigade of hip, breezy activities, for all you stuffed suits there, in the offices. Whipped cream pie fights! Daytime street dancing! And other activities which straddle the delicate line between whimsy and humiliation!

The group hopes to trick out decommissioned ice cream trucks and deploy them to cruise the city offering services such as on-the-spot hairdressing, chefs serving up cookies and milk or "recess teams" that will bring line-dancing flash mobs to downtown sidewalks. They'd be called Spacious mobiles, and you'd able to follow their routes on Twitter.

Haha, can you imagine, important Washington DC professionals coming out of their offices—for line dancing?!? Washington, DC residents having fun? The city hasn't seen such a thing since... last weekend's Rare Essence show, probably.

It all sounds very fun and we would never use the fact that we live in a better city as an excuse to become judgmental.

[WaPo. Photo: FB]