More details are emerging in the "reverse massage" lawsuit filed against John Travolta. Perhaps most interesting — the masseur's description of Travolta's penis.

According to the lawsuit, Travolta's junk is "roughly 8 inches in length." His pubic hair is "wirey [sic] and unkempt," which makes it sound pretty much like everyone else's pubic hair.

Much to no one's surprise, Travolta is already denying the lawsuit: his team released a statement alleging that the case will be dismissed, and that Travolta will seek legal action against the masseur.

This lawsuit is a complete fiction and fabrication. None of the events claimed in the suit ever occurred.

But since the case hasn't been thrown out yet, it's worth looking at some of the other events are, right?

Like, for example, how Travolta apparently said he's been trading sexual favors for work since his Welcome Back, Kotter days. (Up your nose with a rubber hose, indeed.) Or that he also invited the masseur to a threesome with a Hollywood starlet who "wanted to have three-way sex and to be double penetrated."

Of course, this could be a "baseless lie," as Travolta's camp maintains. According to the aforementioned statement, Travolta wasn't even in California when the alleged events took place.

No word on Travolta's whereabouts during all the other gay sex he's supposedly had.

[Image via AP]