
What the Amish Taught Me About Breastfeeding My Baby

Laura Cronk · 03/24/15 09:05AM

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had a recurring dream. I was nursing a baby–in an icy parking lot, at a dinner party in the bedroom where the coats were piled on a bed, lost in the desert. I would nurse a baby at one breast, put her to the other, and there would be no milk. Sometimes the baby wailed with frustration and hunger, and sometimes the baby just looked at me with sad eyes. I always woke shaken. I must be worried, I thought, about being an adequate parent. But that wasn't it. My body was sending me a literal warning.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/14 04:15PM

Breastfeeding in church is apparently a controversial issue. Considering the fact that this issue contains both tits and Jesus, let's keep that controversy going as long as possible. Clickety click.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 08:08AM

Babies who are breastfed are smarter later in life, because, scientists say, nothing is smarter than sucking on some tittayyyyyssssss.

Golf Club Calls Police on "Terrorist" Diplomat & Breast-Feeding Wife

Taylor Berman · 06/30/13 09:21PM

In early June, the wife of a Belgian diplomat attempted to breast-feed her young daughter on the terrace of a New York country club, setting off a chain of events that would lead to the woman and her husband being escorted from the club and treated like "terrorists" by police.

Mom Who Posed With Boob in Preschooler's Mouth: 'It's Not Right for Everybody'

Maureen O'Connor · 05/11/12 11:16AM

Jamie Lynne Grumet, whose left breast achieved stardom this week by appearing on the cover of Time while inside her nearly four-year-old son's mouth, went on the Today Show to discuss the controversial cover. With son Aram mewling by her side (wouldn't it be great if she'd whipped out a tit and shoved it in his mouth, right then and there?) Jamie explained that attachment parenting "is not for everybody," and that she isn't trying to judge anyone. She also notes that she's getting guff from breastfeeding critics and advocates:

College Deputizes Dorks to Harass Innocent Smokers

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/11 04:17PM

Depressercise! Eczema breasts! Sugar drinks! Dead babies! College smoking! Porn hiatus! Bird flu! Fat science! And all your tense sleep is making you tense, and sleepy! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—invasively!

Breastfeed or Your Baby Will Die

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 03:53PM

Fat man surgery! Epilepsy drugs! Apple poison! DASH diet! Survival rates! Zany parenting! Pet allergies! Medication overdose! And breastfeeding because you love life! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—voraciously!

Your Problems Are All In Your Head (But Still Fatal)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/10 02:49PM

Breast taxes! Cortisone effects! Toxic prisons! Glaxo whistleblowers! Manhattan noise! Personalized therapies! HuffPo quackery! And the Army vs. suicide! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with pharmacologically-inspired positive mental attitude!

Spanish Men Get Breastfeeding Rights

Adrian Chen · 10/01/10 10:36AM

The European Union Court of Justice has ruled that working fathers in Spain are entitled to two "breastfeeding" breaks throughout the day, just like mothers. What they'll do during these breaks is anyone's guess. Probably drink beer and watch sports.