Whatever happened to that guy, baldie, the funny mustache man, the one who was momentarily taken seriously as a Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America? Pizza guy? Oh, I see—he's just writing op-eds in the WSJ to reconfirm his fundamental lunacy. What say you, Herman Cain?

My 9-9-9 tax code replacement plan provoked enormous enthusiasm during my presidential campaign because it represents the largest transfer of power in the history of the republic.

By that I assume he means, a transfer of power from the non-rich to the rich. Still don't see why that one didn't go over big with the self-loathing math illiterate lower middle class Americans that make up much of the Republican party.

Anyhow, Herman Cain advocates a return to the gold standard, duh. It's kind of the thing to do, among wacky fringe right wing quasi politicos.

Gold is kryptonite to big-spending politicians. It is to the moochers and looters in government what sunlight and garlic are to vampires. The American people are another story. Nearly half (44%) support a return to a gold standard, according to an October 2011 Rasmussen Report. That support soars to 57% when respondents know it will "dramatically reduce the powers of bankers and the political class to steer the economy."

That support soars to 97% when respondents know it will "provide you with a harem of gold-plated concubines whose greatest wish is to shower you with gold, and sex." Think this is all just the ravings of a man whose moment in the mainstream has come and gone? Think again!

Now the political center is moving. Gov. Mitt Romney, who has my full and enthusiastic support as the GOP's presidential nominee, has said on record he is "happy to look at a whole range of ideas on how to have greater stability in our currency and in our monetary policy."

Yes, Herman Cain used the above quote in a farcical attempt to illustrate his influence on policy, when in fact it illustrates the exact opposite. Herman Cain, ladies and gentlemen. Coming to a Goldline.com commercial near you sooner than you think.

[WSJ. Photo: AP]