Obama Thinks Defense of Marriage Act Is a 'Bad Idea' (CORRECTED)

You spoke too soon, Rand Paul. It sounds like the President's views on marriage just got even gayer.
Somewhat buried in CNN's story on Barack Obama's fundraiser in New York is this little tidbit about his administration's plans for marriage equality—
He also outlined goals he hopes to accomplish under a second term, including the repeal of the Defense Of Marriage Act, which the administration has already stopped defending.
This is the first time Obama has said that he will actively work to repeal the law.
Correction: Another CNN story clarifies this point. While Obama said, "Congress is clearly on notice that I think [DOMA is] a bad idea," he did not say he would get Congress to repeal the law. Obama has called on Congress to repeal the law in the past, including in a 2009 speech to the Human Rights Campaign.
At the fundraiser, hosted by openly gay pop star Ricky Martin, Obama called same-sex marriage the "right thing to do." He also said that contrary to what many rightwing pundits have alleged, marriage equality will help families.
I want everyone treated fairly in this country. We have never gone wrong when we've extended rights and responsibilities to everybody. That doesn't weaken families, that strengthens families.
The President also touched on his freshly out same-sex marriage stance on The View. The segment, which he taped today, will air on ABC tomorrow.
According to some White House officials, Obama had intended to speak out in favor of marriage equality on the talk show, but he was spurred forward by Joe Biden's early endorsement.
[Image via AP]