How does a horrible and upsetting story get even worse? ABC News reports that Jerry Sandusky wrote love letters to his victims.

Eight of Sandusky's victims will testify against him. Victim 4, who alleges that Sandusky raped him after they met through Sandusky's charity, will present the love letters at the trial.

The letters, which were allegedly written in Sandusky's own handwriting, are expected to corroborate the testimony of the man known as Victim 4 ... The victim's attorney won't talk about the letter, but sources describe the letters as "creepy" and note that one was a story written in the third person.

Victim 4 will also show the jury the gifts he claims to have received from Sandusky.

While five victims, including Victim 4, petitioned for anonymity throughout the trial, Judge John Cleland ruled that they would need to have their identities revealed to testify.

Meanwhile, the trial approaches — nine jurors have been selected. Attorneys had to narrow down the field based on potential jurors' connection to Penn State or Sandusky's charity.

[Image via AP]