
The Scandal at Baylor Makes it Clear Penn State Did Nothing to Change College Football

Jordan Sargent · 05/27/16 10:41AM

In 2011, the most awful scandal in the history of college athletics was exposed when it was revealed that Jerry Sandusky, a longtime coach at Penn State, had groomed and sexually abused teenage boys in the locker room of the school’s hallowed football stadium over a period decades, and that further the abuse had been covered up by university officials who deemed the sanctity of their football program to be paramount to any form of tangible justice for the victims.

Jerry Sandusky's Adopted Son Reveals Horrifying Sexual Abuse Details

Rich Juzwiak · 07/18/14 07:59AM

As promised, Oprah Winfrey's sit-down interview with Matthew Sandusky, the adopted son of convicted child predator and former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, was brutally explicit. In the Oprah Prime clip above, Matthew recounts the abuse in detail, as well as his resulting shame. In response, Winfrey shared this insight regarding sexual abuse and pleasure: "When you are groomed and seduced by somebody who's really good at it, that the aim and intention of that person is to make it pleasurable so that you will be confused. So it's OK to say that it was pleasurable. And that's part of the shame that you as a little boy develop and carry as an adult because your body betrays you. Because it is pleasurable."

Jerry Sandusky's Adopted Son To Detail Sexual Abuse in Oprah Interview

Rich Juzwiak · 07/08/14 12:37PM

Oprah Winfrey has scored an interview with Matthew Sandusky, the adopted son of former Penn State University assistant football coach and convicted sex offender Jerry Sandusky. Matthew has discussed being abused by Jerry, including on the stand, but this will be his first TV interview since Jerry's 2012 conviction. This is being touted as a breaking of Matthew's "three-year silence." It will air Thursday, July 17 at 9 pm on OWN.

Jerry Sandusky's Wife: "Our House Is Not a Dungeon"

Jay Hathaway · 03/12/14 10:49AM

Dottie Sandusky, wife of former Penn State assistant football coach and current convicted sex offender Jerry Sandusky, continues to stand by her man. She appeared on the Today Show Wednesday morning to claim the victims in the case "were manipulated, and saw money."

The Today Show to Air Jerry Sandusky Interview Filmed by Penn State Truther

Taylor Berman · 03/24/13 08:59PM

For the past several days, The Today Show has been hyping an "exclusive interview" with Jerry Sandusky set to air Monday morning. In this interview, The Today Show says, the convicted child rapist will "speak out for the first time since he went to prison." Sounds like NBC landed a(n ethically questionable) scoop right? Not so much, except for the ethically questionable part. Instead of interviewing Sandusky themselves, NBC is instead airing an excerpt of conservative filmmaker John Ziegler's documentary, The Framing of Joe Paterno.

Leah Beckmann · 01/10/13 12:40PM

Claiming they weren't given enough prep time, Sandusky and team return to court today to debate the trial's fairness.

Sandusky’s ‘Victim 1’ Gives First Interview, 20/20 Uses It As Excuse to Play Gotcha Journalism

Taylor Berman · 10/19/12 10:35PM

Aaron Fisher, the 18-year-old formerly known as 'Victim 1' in the Jerry Sandusky case, gave his first interview to ABC's 20/20 Friday night. It was the first time the 18-year-old revealed his real name. The segments in which Fisher spoke were, as you'd expect, alternately sad and disturbing. Among other things, Fisher told ABC that Sandusky would wait for him outside his house, comparing the former Penn State coach to "that ex-girlfriend you wish you never had."

Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children

Cord Jefferson · 09/07/12 09:30AM

It's not easy to listen to Terry talk about the time he had sex with a seven-year-old girl. But after his psychotherapist put us in touch, he agreed to lay it all out for me during a phone call and email, and I was enthralled the way one might stare at a man falling from a bridge. Terry is 38, a small-business owner, and deeply religious—he ends all our correspondence by saying, "Blessings to you, Cord"—but back then when it happened Terry was 20 and a meth head. He was living with his then-wife, his marriage to whom had made him the co-guardian of her two nieces and a nephew. The one niece was a baby, but the other was seven, and it wasn't long before Terry, addicted and in a marriage he calls "abusive," fell for his niece and began a sexual relationship with her.

Prominent Catholic Friar on 'Poor Guy' Sandusky: 'A Lot of Cases, the Youngster Is the Seducer'

Max Read · 08/30/12 01:57PM

Father Benedict Groeschel, a prominent friar, television host, and director of the Office for Spiritual Development for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York, gave an interview to the National Catholic Register this week. It's been taken down — why? Probably because Groeschel claimed that "in a lot of cases" of abuse, "the youngster... is the seducer." And expressed sympathy with Jerry Sandusky.

Penn State Report Summary: Everyone Pretending They Didn't Know Actually Knew

Caity Weaver · 07/12/12 09:36AM

If you don't have time to review the full 267-page internal investigation of the Penn State scandal, here's the gist: Everyone knew. Former Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno knew. Former Penn State University president Graham Spanier knew. Former Penn State University vice president Gary Schultz knew. Penn State Athletic Director (currently on leave) Tim Curley knew. Everyone knew. As far back as 1998, when they learned of a criminal investigation of Sandusky related to an instance of suspected sexual misconduct with a boy in a PSU football locker room shower.

Psychologist Called Jerry Sandusky a 'Likely Pedophile' Back in '98

Louis Peitzman · 03/24/12 02:05PM

Once the news broke, many were outraged by Penn State's failure to act on allegations that Jerry Sandusky was sexually abusing children. The latest piece of information is even more damning — a 1998 police report that includes testimony from a psychologist who concluded Sandusky "fit the profile of a likely pedophile."