Well, The Daily Caller is at it again. The conservative news site out-scooped us all this morning with the front-page headline: "Love Me Some Tenders: Obama for America spent $62 on Chick-fil-A."

Daily Caller reporter Caroline May writes:

While gay activists have staged boycotts of the chain since then, expenditure records at Political Moneyline show that on June 29, 2012 Obama for America spent $62 at Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, Ga.

May's basic issue is that the campaign for the president who defends marriage equality spent money at the restaurant chain that does not, at all, and probably never will. May opines, "While the money the campaign spent is pittance in comparison to Obama's overall re-election expenditures, it clashes with the president's recent endorsement of gay marriage and Chick-fil-A's foray into the gay marriage debate."

Never mind that $62 "is pittance" for any adult who has to pay for rent, food, and utilities. Never mind that $62 is about .000023761508% of Obama's campaign funds. It's still sixty-two dollars, and it is an outrage! How can we now vote for a president whose campaign is filled with maybe 6 people who acted out of hunger hypocrisy?

The solution, obviously, is to vote Republican in 2012—because although they continue to pump thousands of dollars into the homophobic food chain, at least they have not strayed from their consistent messaging.

[ Daily Caller, Image via Flickr/hectoralejandro]