Ben and Jerry's Sues Porn Company Over “Ben and Cherry's” Videos

Quasi-hippie ice cream makers Ben and Jerry's aren't thrilled with two companies that are producing a series of porn movies called "Ben and Cherry's." The Vermont-based company is suing the films' producers, Rodax Distributors and Caballero Video, saying that "the sale of hardcore and exploitive pornographic DVDs and related goods is tarnishing Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.'s name by creating an association with pornography." According to the lawsuit, Ben and Cherry's videos include the following titles:
- "Boston Cream Thigh"
- "New York Fat & Chunky"
- "Peanut Butter D-Cup."
Apparently, those are too similar to the well-known Ben and Jerry's flavors "Boston Cream Pie," ''New York Super Fudge Chunk" and "Peanut Butter Cup." I don't see the resemblance, but I suppose it's possible.
Regardless, this is clearly a missed opportunity for Ben and Jerry's to branch out into new markets. They already support Occupy Wall Street and have made overtures towards fans of cheap racist jokes; it seems like the only remaining new market is the porn crowd.
[Image via AP]