[There was a video here]

As you may have heard last night, Osama bin Laden is dead, has perished from the earth, is at the bottom of the sea, and is not better off than he was four years ago. The Democrats are trying to pull a Bush on national security, inflating Obama's reputation as a killing machine and portraying Mitt Romney as a bungling softie.

But we were kind of disappointed that Obama's signature foreign policy achievement—the deployment of secret flying assassination platforms empowered to liquidate American citizens based on an unaccountable and highly classified selection process that is entirely internal to the White House—got short shrift this week. So we threw a softball at some DNC bigwigs, including Cory Booker and New York Sen. Charles Schumer, offering a giant opening to praise Obama's stone-cold murdering power: Can Americans really trust Mitt Romney to decide which citizens get extrajudicially assassinated in drone strikes? Also isn't Lanny Davis an asshole?

Update: The spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party emails to say that the last man in the video, identified as an "Actual Arizona Delegate," is not an Actual Arizona Delegate. He was wearing a delegate credential when I spoke to him, and was identified to me as a delegate from Arizona, but I neglected to get his name after speaking to him.