Are you ready to start caring about American Idol again? Me neither. But here's your Season 12 judges' panel anyway: original judge Randy Jackson (wait, really?), recent addition Mariah Carey, and total newbies Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban.

Here's what Mike Darnell, President of Alternative Entertainment for Fox, had to say—

Nicki's an unbelievably captivating international phenomenon who has made an indelible mark on rap and pop. And Keith is another great addition to Idol — he's one of the biggest stars in country music and I know that our fans and contestants will fall in love with him. With an unparalleled star like Mariah, fan-favorite Randy, chart-toppers like Nicki and Keith and our incomparable host Ryan [Seacrest], we've put together one of the most exciting judging panels around.

I get that it's his job to be gushy, but is anyone swallowing that crap? I guess we're also operating under the assumption that American Idol is still relevant.

Name the last three winners. Exactly.

[Image via AP]