"I figure if somebody's dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something, they're gonna have to take what they get," Clint Eastwood told Jerry Penacoli in an interview for Extra.

And that's probably as close as he'll come to admitting his absurd RNC speech was a colossal mistake. When asked if he would do it again, Eastwood said—

I never look backward. It's done and it's done. I probably would, I wouldn't be afraid of it.

Be afraid, Clint. Be very afraid.

Because honestly, the more he talks, the more ridiculous he sounds — even when he's not promoting Trouble With the Curve. Eastwood said his weird chair bit was inspired by the comedy greats who came before him.

It reminds me of the days of Shelly Berman ... Bob Newhart, all those guys who used to do those phone conversations, all that sort of stuff.

Ah, yes, classic Newhart. When Eastwood implied that the invisible President told Mitt Romney to go fuck himself, I think we all felt a bit of nostalgia for that golden age of comedy.

Eastwood's primary criticism of Obama seems to be that he should spend "less time on TV, more time in office," because Eastwood heard someone else say that recently, and it sounded like a valid and well founded complaint.

You can watch the Extra interview, or you can preserve your memory of Eastwood's legacy.

[Image via AP]