Jack White played a show last night at Radio City Music Hall. It was heavily hyped. Understandably, people were very excited to see the ex-White Stripe frontman do his thing. The feeling, apparently, was not mutual as White stopped playing after just 45 minutes. While it's not entirely clear what set White off, he was at one point upset with a lack of crowd participation, or something.

While it's perhaps a bit ridiculous for a 37-year old rock star to expect rollicking fan interaction in an all-seated venue, maybe he had a point. I'm sure it would be frustrating to play in front of a bunch of seated, non-enthused fans, although it's not clear that was the case throughout the show. There were also rumors he was upset about jacked-up prices due to scalpers. Regardless, White had enough of whatever was bothering him after 45 minutes, and walked off stage.

Fans stuck around for twenty minutes or so, cheering and expecting an encore, before the curtain came down and ushers began telling people to leave. As you might expect, people reacted very reasonably.

According to reports, there were also chants of "This is Bullshit!" as audience members left the venue. The New York Observer reports angry fans were seen returning merchandise they'd purchased at the show.

Sounds fun, but at least he didn't puke on stage. White is playing Radio City Music Hall again tonight, if anyone wants to go. On the plus side, you'll probably be home in time for the Homeland premiere.

[Image via AP]