Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are one step closer to divorce, as the couple has just confirmed to People they are now married.

"It's great to be married, the ceremony was beautiful and it was so special to be surrounded by our family and friends."

On Thursday, photographs emerged of several of the couple's closest family members and friends, including SNL's Andy Samberg and slutty middle-sister from 7th Heaven, Beverly Mitchell, enjoying a private beachfront party in southern Italy. Once they found out their loved ones were there, Timberlake and Biel demanded they all attend their wedding the next day, ruining everyone's vacation.

According to Timberlake's aunt and cousin, who are pretending they were invited but so obviously were not invited, the weeklong wedding celebration kicked off on Monday, when guests were flown to Germany, the most romantic country in the world. Upon landing in Germany, guests were given itineraries and tickets to Italy, the location of the wedding. "You are cordially commanded to join Justin and Jessica in the Axis of romance."

We couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law," said Timberlake's aunt (not Biel's future mother-in-law) to Celebuzz. "We just love [Jessica]."

Earlier this week, it was speculated that Timberlake and Biel were luring friends and family to Italy to kidnap them, which, technically, could still happen.

People/Celebuzz // Image via Getty