Gift Guide Roundup: Gifts For People Who Are Drunk More Often Than Not

Last week we asked you to come up with gifts for the type of person who might decide to drink whiskey out of the bottle in lieu of cooking dinner. From delicious mixers to hangover cures, here's the best of what you drunk people came up with:

"Name a drink after them," mbrailov suggests. Like the BRAILOVsky Mojito or Adriana's Slippery Nipple. This costs $20 if you want it to be on this website that no one will see but is free if you just tell your friends to start calling whiskey sours "[Your Friend's Name] Sours."

Fudgebrownies suggests this keychain breathalyzer. The product description says that it "has a lifetime battery that is good for many years of daily use." Now your drunk friend can take the ability to know exactly how drunk they are with them wherever they go. ($69.95, Amazon)

Your drunk friend might love "The Useless Box," as suggested by Brad44marks. It will keep them "occupied for hours." This does look fun, but if your friend is an irritable drunk, I might suggest a cheaper alternative. ($79.95, Convenient Gadgets and Gifts)

This reloadable taxi gift card even offers a rewards program! This is the best gift because the subway can be a hellish nightmare when you're drunk. H/T elaine layabout. (Any price, Get Home Smart Card)

Lastly, suggests Block Heater: weed. "For the hangovers," says block heater. Or just 'cuz. (Price depends on how good of a friend you are, Your Local Dealer)