A couple months ago, NYC-based soup chain Hale and Hearty accidentally sent a coupon calling out "a cunt named Mary" to email subscribers. Now they've been plagued by another problem: locusts! (Or, anyway, some horrifying bug/alien creature that is almost certainly not a locust.)

A reader emailed us this afternoon to say he'd found the above insect (full picture below) in a cup of Hale and Hearty soup he picked up for lunch today.

He says he returned to the restaurant to ask for a refund upon discovering the protein supplement, and was given one, though none of the other prepackaged cups of the same soup (Chicken Vegetable with Noodles—AND MONSTERS—if you're curious) were removed from the grab'n'go shelf.

So: what the fuck is that bug and does it make you sad knowing you will never eat food prepared by another's hand ever again?

(For your reference: the insect is "about 1.25 inches in length.")

UPDATE: Gawker's Official Entomology Board (you guys) has identified this bug as an earwig. Thank you for your service.