New York Post Commenters Have Some Interesting Racist Thoughts on This Tragic Subway Death

Yesterday, Ki Suk Han was tragically struck and killed by a subway train in Midtown Manhattan after being thrown onto the tracks by an angry and perhaps mentally disturbed panhandler. We could spend all day debating the actions of the New York Post photographer whose horrifying photo of Han shortly before his death ran on the paper's front page today. What cannot be debated is this: the New York Post's online commenters are some of the world's most... interesting people.
Racism is true
Christopher Smith · Top Commenter · UCLA
Smart people should treat all black homeless/bum folk as potential killers.Peter Smith
what a racist statement.Don Jasper · Top Commenter · Works at U.S. Federal Government
Not racist at all Peter, go to any major city and look at the black homeless hanging around the Greyhound bus depots, they look like they want to kill you if you make eye contact with them. So Christopher was making a true assessment.Ann-k Liendo · Subscribe · Top Commenter · CUNY John Jay
2 black guys came up to me last week on the 34st station and they said"gimme 5$, if u dont gimme the money i dont know what`s gonna happend to u" not a single cop in view, i gave them the 5$ and saw how they moved on to another victim.
How to increase public safety
Richie Ardisson · Top Commenter · Westchester Community College
No men on the platform had the balls to grab this scum bag, there had to be several men there? This is why all commuters should carry a small handgun, legally or not...better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6....No jury will convict you!
Media criticism
James Briggs · Subscribe · Top Commenter · Pipe Layer at Your Mama's Chubby Ass
If this had been the "Times", we would only have gotten a description of the killer's T-shirt, sneakers and cap, with no mention of his race.
A fair point
Johnny Cowart · Top Commenter · Jacksonville, Florida
He's black, give him a noble peace prize.
You get what you vote for
Darryl Cunningham · Top Commenter
This is Obama's America. Expect more of the same. I predict the ACLU will step in to try to sue anyone who rebuffs agressive panhandlers.
Clever repartee
Jean Vuckovich-Evener
As a Libtard will say, Let's ban Subways!
Chao Liang · Subscribe · Top Commenter · New York, New York
No let's not. When subways and trains kill, it's a tragedy and accident. When guns kill, it's just doing its job.Jean Vuckovich-Evener
Well in this sad case the subway did it's job.
Kendra Sigurdson · Top Commenter · Illustrator at Warner Bros. Animation
Black man attacks Asian — that could be a headline everyday.
Jason Weishaupt · Top Commenter · Woodbridge, Virginia
My neoghbor's wife picked up the back end of a 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Brough off of her husband on a steep driveway after it fell off of the stand jack and hydrallic jack that he had it up on. He suffered severe injuries but was able to drag himself out from under the car. She herniated her heart but saved her hubby's life. She is not a big woman. Get the point?
And there were, of course, so many New York Post commenters using this tragedy to mock Bob Costas' call for gun control that we simply could not include them all.