During an open-air concert in Santiago, Chile, on Wednesday, Madonna got a bit testy with a fan who decided to visit flavor country in the middle of her set.

After sensing some cigarette smoke wafting in her direction, Madge immediately put on her mom pants and instructed the smokers to stop.

When that failed, she tried to put the offending audience members in a time out: "If you're going to smoke cigarettes, I'm not doing a show."

Things quickly became heated when Madonna realized that her schoolmarm-esque chiding was getting her nowhere.

"All right? Are we going to play that game? I'm not kidding. I can't sing if you smoke," the "Human Nature" singer fumed. Trying desperately to speak their language, she added: "Entiendes?"

Finally, her line of sight met the perpetrator but, shockingly, they continued to puff away with abandon. "You're looking right at me and smoking cigarettes, like I'm a stupid fucking idiot," the flabbergasted 54-year-old exclaimed.

TMZ reports that cigarette standoff was ultimately resolved, and Madonna carried on with the concert and the smoker was never heard from again.

[video via TMZ]